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2020-02-25 12:51   审核人:



A Message to NUC International Students



Dear international students,

Greetings from North University of China! 

非常感谢大家在过去的一段时间里对学校疫情防控工作的支持! 你们为我校疫情防控工作取得阶段性的胜利做出了特殊的贡献!根据中国政府的部署和安排,学校采取积极有效的应对措施,切实保障了广大师生的健康和安全。早日战胜疫情、回归正常愉快的校园生活,是我们共同的期盼。人类是一个命运共同体,现在是中国乃至世界抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键时期,学校在此向大家发出如下提示:

Thank you very much for your effective support to the fight against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) over the past weeks, which has made special contributions to the significant stage success of the University's work of epidemic prevention and control! In accordance to arrangements of the Chinese government, the University has been taking both active and effective measures to protect the health and safety of teachers and students. It is our common expectation to overcome the epidemic and return to normal and pleasant campus life as soon as possible. Mankind is a community with a shared future.Now is a critical moment in not only China's but also global fight against COVID-19. The University hereby issues the following reminders:


The University has decided to postpone the beginning of Spring Semester as required by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Please do not return to school until receiving the official notice about the exact registration date.


NUC online teaching began on February 17th. Please attend classes at home according to the arrangements of the School and advisers and get ready academically for the new semester.


In order to ensure the health and safety of all students, please fulfill your reporting truthfully regarding your itinerary during vacation and your physical condition, and get ready for semester registration.


Students on campus shall contact School of International Education in time when having symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, and breathing disorder, etc.


Students on campus shall not go out of the campus during the epidemic prevention and control. Please ask the School of International Education for help if there are special needs.


Students on campus shall not invite or receive visitors during the epidemic prevention and control. The University is strict with access control of the gate as well as the external personnel and vehicles. 


Dear students, let us join hands and persist in the task. As you see, the blooming spring in Taiyuan is coming as usual!



School of International Education


February 25, 2020


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