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教学沙龙 Improve Your Academic English 相关安排
2015-03-31 18:54   审核人:


为提高教师英文授课、学术写作和交流水平,国际教育学院现为全校教师举办教学沙龙---Improve Your Academic English,欢迎各位老师积极参与。现将此次活动具体安排如下:

主讲人:Elzbieta Jozefowicz (Ela)



报名要求:参加教师英语水平已达到CEFR level B1/B2IELTS 5 +/- 0.5



报名电话:3923655  杨老师


Improve Your Academic English

--- Mini course for teachers of North University of China

Five 90min Sessions

Instructor: Elzbieta Jozefowicz (Ela)

For whom:

Participants are expected to be more or less independent users (CEFR level B1/B2 or IELTS 5 +/- 0.5) which means they should be able to:

Ø  understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

Ø  deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where the language is spoken.

Ø  produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.

Ø  describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.


Ø  Introduce or improve command of English academic vocabulary,

Ø  Practice understanding of advanced content authentic lecture material,

Ø  Practice taking part in a seminar type discussion


Interesting and stimulating lectures published on www.ted.com or similar, vocabulary activities and exercises prepared by the instructor.


Ø  Pre-watching/listening vocabulary introduction, focus on word building for particular topic.

Ø  Watching

Ø  Brain-storming: Q & A session

Ø  Pair/group work - discussion on the topic of the lecture


Ø  Master/refresh a large body of English academic vocabulary

Ø  Activate your speaking ability





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